My name is Jesus Langarica. I have been a professional artist for over 30 years. I graduated with a degree after 5 years of art school, "Artes aplicadas y oficios artisticos" in Logroño, Spain, the country of my birth. I view life through the lens of an artist, and have found that through art I have been able to capture the most valuable memories and emotions of my life.

A significant aspect of my art career was focused on designing artistic illustrations for architects to help present their work for commercialized products.

Personally, I take great joy in painting architectural landscapes and portraits, particularly of antique landscapes. I believe my work captures emotion and soul of a location and allows the viewer to relive memories.

An area of my artistic strength is to find natural beauty in life, and then paint them using a variety of mediums. Just a few of the mediums I use include watercolor, pencil, oil, and pastel. The goal of my artistic renderings of people and pets is to capture the emotional essence of the subject.

I have the talent and experience to take on any form of artistic commission. If you find my work appealing and believe my talents can be of service, please contact my manager/son, Victor Langarica at his cell at 954.260.3592 or click here to send me an email.